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Only the best providers
AppointPal membership is by invitation and free for eligible providers.
Get invited to join the AppointPal provider network.
Submit the code provided within your invitation.
Complete setup & claim your provider account.
"We've been absolutely loving AppointPal."
- AppointPal Provider, Beverly Hills
How much does it cost?Membership to the AppointPal provider network is by invitation and free for eligble providers. Please request an invitation below to determine eligibility.
How are rates determined?Rates vary across specialties. You can set rates for both telemedicine and in-person appointments.
How many paitients am I required to see?There is no requirement to see patients. It is your decision to accept the patients you receive through AppointPal on an individual basis.
Is there an appointment cancellation policy?Yes, AppointPal has a 24 hour cancellation policy. Patients matched with your practice are required to reach out to you to reschedule an appointment. If they cancel inside of 24 hours they can be charged a cancellation fee up to the full cost of the appointment.
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